With Democrats in the House, will Parental Leave Changes Become a Reality?

Lifestyle, Media, Politics
Reading Time: < 1 minute

By the Price of Business Show, Media Partners of USA Business Radio.

On a recent Price of Business show, host Kevin Price interviewed Hassam Parzivand, who is an attorney and long term contributor on the Price of Business show.  Parzivand is an attorney who focuses on labor law.

On a recent program Price visited with Parzivand about how the midterm elections could impact labor law issues and, in particular, whether there could be a change in Parental Leave.  This is something almost every Democrat in Congress wants to expand and now, many Republicans are on board.

Sen. Marco Rubio is an architect of a plan to expand the program, without expanding costs.  Rubio has talked about it to the media.

On CBS This Morning, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) unveiled his Economic Security for New Parents Act, legislation that would offer working parents an option for paid family leave. Later today, Rubio will hold a press conference with U.S. Representative Ann Wagner (R-MO) to introduce their bicameral legislation. A one pager of the bill is available here.

Also, Rubio and Wagner penned an op-ed outlining their plan. And earlier this year, Rubio’s office released a video highlighting his efforts to help working American families by expanding the Child Tax Credit and offering a conservative solution for paid family leave.

Check out Price’s interview with Parzivand in its entirety:

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