Taking a Second Look at Calories as the Cause of Weight Gain

Business, Lifestyle
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In their biggest change in the company’s history, this week, Weight Watchers announced that all calories are not created equal, by unveiling hundreds of foods which can be eaten without causing weight gain. For the insight into the “WHY” behind this fundamental change in the program, and new science debunking the “calorie is a calorie” myth, SANE Solution offers the opportunity to talk with the pioneer of this concept, Jonathan Bailor, author of the New York Times best-selling book, “The Calorie Myth”.

Bailor has spent the past decade-plus analyzing the contemporary science of nutrition and his philosophy is backed by 1,300 clinically-proven scientific studies.

“The past 15 years of working with the top doctors at Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins and The Cleveland Clinic have revealed that the idea ‘a calorie is a calorie’ is the most toxic and fattening nutrition myth of all time,” states Jonathan Bailor. “The day you free yourself from this calorie myth is the day a permanent metabolic transformation becomes not only possible, but simple. Kudos to Weight Watchers for helping their members break free from the most damaging nutrition myth of all time.”

The quality of calories not quantity of calories is the key to healing the body and dropping fat. Contrary to what most diets promote, the human body does not recognize calories as equal. Some foods are used to boost brain power, fuel metabolism and heal the body, while others are simply stored as fat. Why? Because eating high-quality foods (determined by the four scientific factors: Satiety, Aggression, Nutrition and Efficiency) balances the hormones that regulate the metabolism.

The Calorie Myth video

Medical Endorsements:

“The Calorie Myth sheds light on the surprising discrepancy between the way healthy nutrition has been presented to the public and the science that underlies it. The idea that fat in the diet translates into fat on the body has dominated nutritional discussions for decades. This work challenges this central idea and offers clues about why diabetes has been on the rise, and why so many people who are intent on losing weight have found it so difficult to do so. It is an important work.” — Dr. Anthony Accurso, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

“Revolutionary. Thoroughly researched, rigorously simplified and down-right fun, Bailor’s work stands head and shoulders above the mass of fat-loss myths lining bookstore shelves. In his surprising and scientifically sound exposé of the modern fat-loss mythology, Bailor reveals the sources of our fat-loss struggles and provides straightforward, practical solutions. Everyone, and I mean everyone, will learn and laugh a lot while reading The Calorie Myth.” — Dr. Jan Fridén,Distinguished Professor, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

“The Calorie Myth reveals some of the latest and best scientific research on the real story of diet, exercise and their effects on us. Bailor’s concept of high-quality exercise is rapidly gaining support in the medical community and has repeatedly delivered clinical results which seem almost too good to be true. I heartily recommend this book to people who want to take responsibility for their own health.” — Dr. John J. Ratey, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; author of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

Bailor is the founder of SANESolution.com and serves as the CEO for the wellness technology company Yopti®. He authored The New York Times and USA Today best-selling book The Calorie Myth, hosts a syndicated health radio show The SANE Show and blogs on The Huffington PostAdditionally, Bailor has registered more than 25 patents, spoken at Fortune 100 companies and TED conferences for more than a decade. Bailor served as a senior program manager at Microsoft where he helped create Nike+Kinect Training and Xbox Fitness.


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