Vast Majority of Californians Support Single Payer Healthcare System

Lifestyle, Politics
Reading Time: 2 minutes


A recent survey should be a word of caution to lawmakers and special interests that have introduced legislation to create a universal single payer health care. Despite the current growing call for a single payer system, the survey commissioned by the California Association of Health Underwriters (CAHU) showed a supermajority of California voters opposed the creation of government run health care when they learn of the associated cost burden to families.

“The single payer universal health care law would force Californians to hand over at least $179 billion in new state taxes to pay for a health care system run by the State of California. That translates to costing each California taxpayer $9,100 per year,” said CAHU President Richard Coburn. “This new policy would eliminate employer paid health coverage and shifts health costs to employees.”

The survey found:

  • Eighty-one percent of Californians are satisfied with the timeliness, cost, quality, availability and accessibility of their current health care coverage with 42 percent of respondents saying they are “very satisfied.”
  • A supermajority (66 percent) opposes legislation establishing universal single payer universal health care with 44 percent strongly opposing the legislative proposal.

When learning about the facts about universal single payer health care, different age groups, demographics and ethnic backgrounds all share opposition to a government run system.

Of the minority who favor single payer universal healthcare:

  • Seventy-five percent become less likely to support it knowing the cost to Californians in new taxes.
  • Seventy-four percent of California voters are less likely to support knowing it eliminates employer paid health coverage.
  • Seventy-two percent of those polled become less likely to support knowing it will reduce health care quality and hinder medical advancement.

The Senate Health Committee has approved the measure without specifying where money to fund the program would come from. The state would pay for all residents, and cover doctor visits, hospitalization, emergency services, dental, vision, mental health and nursing home care. The bill would also take the all funding from Medicare and all Medicare Advantage plans.

California has barely recovered from the Great Recession,” Coburn said. “State lawmakers have just approved $69 billion in higher taxes for long-neglected education, water and transportation infrastructure repairs and upgrades. The universal health care law would leave Californians with a bill for their health care that has a limitless price tag, little accountability and no guarantee of better health care or even similar health care.”

About California Association of Health Underwriters (CAHU)
CAHU works closely with legislators and government agencies at both the state and federal level by educating our government leaders about the healthcare delivery system and the vital role of a professional agent as a consumer resource and advocate. We have been instrumental in protecting California consumers through a very dynamic grassroots network that includes organized events and lobbying, as well as in-district activities with our elected legislators. We also work diligently with Covered California to ensure the best possible outcomes for Californians, and their leadership frequently cites our input and impact. For more information go to

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