What’s the First Thing That Comes to Mind When Asked “What’s Your Favorite Song”?

Lifestyle, Media
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This article was done in cooperation with the Price of Business show and USA Business Radio

Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business show and Editor at Large at USA Business Radio asked friends of the show what first came to mind when asked the question “What is your favorite song and why?” The response was typically huge.

Mark Pogue of Cleveland, Ohio wrote “Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb, while is drenched in drug use when you watch the movie, it reminds me when life has you so entrenched with problems that you are so overwhelmed and you are drowning so that nothing touches you. It’s not that you give up but things are going to fall apart that you just grab a chair and sink into it and let it come at you and fall where it may. You are numb and laid out and comfortable.” Cleveland, Ohio

Linda Vincent of Horn Lake, Mississippi (and originally, Michigan) wrote “Dion and the Belmonts  ‘Runaround Sue”. Beautiful high school memories.

Jennifer Gilbert Williams of Ohio wrote “‘Green in Blue’ – Miles Davis.’

Mary Ann Faremouth of Texas wrote “‘Shallow’ by Lady Gaga because most of us are searching for something more.” Faremouth is a regular on the Price of Business show.


April Vestel Dye wrote “I can only Imagine” is my favorite song. It came to my mind because it’s my favorite song.
It makes me think about the day I get to meet Jesus.” Dye lives in Lubbock, Texas.

Dina Mousa wrote “Purple Rain because it’s beautiful! I’m in Houston TX”.
Dave Smith of Texas (and originally, Tennessee) wrote “‘Pride (In the Name of Love) by U2. I remember first hearing the famous, signature chiming guitars and I’ve been hooked since. The use of religious imagery (“one man betrayed with a kiss”) and the fact that it’s a song with meaning (it’s about MLK) just make it better. I became an instant U2 fan, and 35 years later, that fandom has taken me nationally and internationally to see them live.” Smith is a Senior Contributor at www.USDailyReview.com.
Tahnee Locheed of Littleton, Colorado said she has “a few favorites, this one speaks to me as of late,” referring to Bob Marley’s ‘Everything’s Gonna be Alright’.”
Kathryn Adkins Augustine wrote about Louie Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World. Why? “Because HOPE Because it’s a reminder in this crazy world. Augustine is from West Virginia.
Terri D’Abate writes “Gloria Gaynor….I Will Survive. It’s my “theme” song” D’Abate lives in Powder Springs, Georgia. 
Carol Baker of Wisconsin wrote “‘Fear is a Liar’ it came to me because how fear can control you but don’t let it. So tell fear he is a liar and he will not control you.” “Fear is a Liar” is by Zach Williams.
MarkDimon of Humble, TX wrote “Entre Nous”, my favorite since I was a kid, growing up overseas, continually amazed by human diversity and similarity. It is an excellent deep cut from Rush’s discography.
Richard Ambrose of Texas wrote “Too many to name. It depends on the mood. Early in the day in my pool” it was It’s a Beautiful Morning” by The Rascals.
When we asked Kevin Price what came to mind for him, he said “I’m Not in Love” by 10CC.  He said, “I know, it is a guilty pleasure and I’m not sure why it always comes to mind when asked about my favorite song. I will confess I have a thing for love songs and music best described as ‘haunting’. That immediately comes to mind when one hears this incredible song.”
This is one in a series of listener driven articles by USA Business Radio and the Price of Business show. Make sure to LIKE Kevin Price’s page on Facebook  for opportunities to participate in the future. 

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