Campaign Urges RNC Delegates to “Choose your values, fallow your conscience”
Delegates Unbound will release a TV ad encouraging Republican Party delegates to “Choose your values, follow your conscience.” The ad will air nationally as part of a campaign to ensure delegates understand they are the ultimate authorities in the Republican party and are not bound to vote for any candidate based on primary or caucus results, state party rules, or even state laws.
“Our goal is simple, to ensure the delegates are not misled to believe they must follow orders or rules set by others,” said Eric O’Keefe, founder of Delegates Unbound and the group’s key adviser.
Delegates Unbound was formed by individuals committed to revive the Republican Party. The group’s immediate goal is to educate delegates about their authority when choosing the standard bearer of their party for the November election.
“The RNC and Donald Trump were wrong to dismiss the delegates and their strong desire to vote their conscience,” said M. Dane Waters, co-founder and adviser to Delegates Unbound. “The national ad campaign will make clear the movement is serious and growing.”
Former New Hampshire Senator Gordon Humphrey, who has endorsed Delegates Unbound, stated, “Only once in the entire history of the Republican Party have delegates been bound and that was in 1976. Forty years later there is a chance that this blatant attempt to strip the delegates of their authority could happen again. Delegates Unbound is not only working to educate the delegates that they have the authority to follow their conscience, but also to ensure that the Rules Committee doesn’t take this fundamental right away from them.”
Another Delegates Unbound co-founder, A.J. Spiker, the former Sate Chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa stated, “By the time the Republican Convention begins, the strength of this effort will make it impossible to deny delegates their right to freely choose the nominee,” he stated.
A new book has become a spark for the movement. The book, Unbound: The Conscience of a Republican Delegate, by authors Curly Haugland and Sean Parnell, was released this month by Citizens in Charge Foundation.
The book identifies the historical and legal foundations that guarantee the delegates right to choose their party’s presidential nominee without restrictions. The book makes clear that delegates are not bound to vote for any candidate based on primary or caucus results, state party rules, or even state law. It also documents nearly 240 instances at past conventions when delegates invoked their right to vote their consciences.
A free PDF copy of UNBOUND can be found at citizensinchargefoundation.org.
To view the TV ad, visit delegatesunbound.com
Delegates Unbound is a not-for-profit organization working to bring reform to the Republican Party. Our focus is to ensure delegates understand they are unbound, and thus free to vote for whomever they wish to be the Republican nominee for President.