Closing Thoughts for 2023

Business, Lifestyle
Reading Time: 2 minutes


Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Jonathan Kaufman to provide another commentary in a series.

The Jonathan Kaufman Commentaries

Welcome to another edition of Jonathan Kaufman’s Commentary “The Question is More Important Than The Answer” on The Price of Business Network.


December marks the close of another year. It is also a time to reflect on the past and look toward a future filled with possibilities. When it comes to the intersection of business, disability, innovation, leadership, culture, and beyond I am thinking about what 2024 has in store, and what are the critical questions that we need to continue to ask and pay more attention to!


While I don’t see myself as a prognosticator, a theme that I believe we do need to pay closer attention to in the coming year is significant questions around the role of Artificial Intelligence or AI. For the disability community, the role of AI can have a profound effect on the community’s quality of life and serve as another market opportunity that needs further exploration. As technology companies engage in this new landscape and see both the social and economic benefits, there also needs to be additional guardrails put in place to recognize the rights of persons with disabilities as it pertains to the support of data, the need for AI to be fully accessible through various interfaces and universal design principles while making sure that those across the disability community have a prominent role in the continued research and development of AI, business applications, and beyond.


Businesses frequently miss the mark that the disability community has often been the early adopters of new technologies. Partly out of necessity, and partly because it is the next step forward in opening new opportunities for innovation that solve problems for a world that was not designed for them.  Business leaders must recognize that disability is part of the human story and creating inclusivity within areas such as AI is not only beneficial to this growing minority, but a benefit for all!


With 1.8 billion people with disabilities on the planet and a buying power of $13 trillion the disability community was too often considered an afterthought. Yet things are changing. With a rise in social media and the growth of entrepreneurs and content creators with disabilities as well as recognition of major brands such as Microsoft, WalMart to Tommy Hilfiger among others there is a new understanding of the value of the Disability Economy and what it means for society at large. Jonathan J. Kaufman, President of J Kaufman Consulting who works at the intersection of business, disability, innovation, leadership and culture will explore this space and highlight these changes and its impact on the business world.

To learn more about Jonathan Kaufman and J Kaufman Consulting go to

Connect with Jonathan Kaufman: 


X: @jkaufmanconsult




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