How to Retire Abundantly

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Sorting fact from fiction about the real retirement challenges regardless of the changes the Trump Administration is able to make in Washington impacting the 10,000 Americans reaching retirement age every day is the purpose of the latest special briefing by the creators of Wealth With No Regrets®, Barry H Spencer and Scott Noble.

While most retirees of previous generations could depend on company pensions and Social Security to meet their basic lifestyle needs, current retirees have to look elsewhere for retirement income security. This doesn’t change with the new Trump Administration.

Even many of the pension dependent retiree population got caught up in the reduction of pension promises as they outsized their ability to pay. Not to mention, most retirees will now need up to $400,000 at age 65 and beyond just to cover health care costs.

Some studies are even showing that retirement itself increases the risk of depression by 40%. The stress is mounting and the places to look for clear answers are diminishing.

“Finding clear answers is especially true for those looking towards retirement with millionaire wealth,” says Spencer.

Too many today turn to Google and the financial news channels for information. Sorting fact from fiction on the worldwide web is daunting. And financial news channels have a purpose to first entertain then to provide information.

Spencer explains further, “As a result of the overwhelming amount of information and misinformation, it makes it even more challenging for those with one million, ten million, twenty million and more to find clear answers as most information is geared to the masses.”

Retirement is a concept created in 1889 by German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck because he wanted to address the high rate of youth unemployment by paying those 70 and older to leave the workforce. Soon after other countries followed suit.

The big difference between 1889 Germany and today’s world is the average lifespan then was only 70 years. People are living much longer which is just one of the reasons for the retirement epidemic.

As people approach retirement there are growing ambitions for retirement to do the things they had put off while working. There is a desire for lifestyles to remain the same or even increase. People are living longer, the cost of healthcare continues to go up, and nearly 70% of retirees believe they will have to help their adult children financially.

Adding to these personal challenges is the mounting government debt and increasing tax burden being put on those who make just $138,000 a year or more.

While President-Elect Donald Trump has plans to propose tax reform that will lower taxes, it not only has to get through Congress, it also has to take effect.

As a result, retirees are entering uncharted territory facing significant challenges and obstacles to enjoying the reward for a lifetime of hard work and sacrifice.

The challenges facing millionaire retirees and soon-to-be-retirees is the subject of this new special briefing being held in Alpharetta at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. It is designed to educate and inform about the retirement tax traps that many will easily fall into and the major mistakes many retirees have made that can cost them their comfortable retirement lifestyle.

The fast-paced 77-minute presentation examines the impact on retirement of 7 major retirement fears and concerns including: living too long; running out of money; increasing tax burden; growing cost of living; expanding deficit; rising health care costs; and not passing on family values along with money.

This is profoundly important as has been learned from those retirees who find themselves 75 years old, in great health, full of life and potentially running out of money. Retirees are looking for how to make the final decades of their life the best and most abundant ones.

Spencer and Noble’s extensive research and work among soon-to-be-retirees and retirees across the country worth a million and up to nearly a billion dollars have shared they are not getting answers that put their fears and concerns to rest.

A recent CBSMarketWatch article, Our Next Big Crisis Will Be The Retirement Crisis, estimates that 1 out of 2 retirees are at risk of not being able to maintain their standard of living in retirement.

Spencer and Noble’s latest briefing on retirement addresses this concern with the purpose of dispelling fact from fiction about the hype around retirement fears and concerns.

The briefing also addresses tax traps on IRA and retirement money and how to access it for maximum lifetime and legacy benefit. It will also address relevant proposals by the Trump Administration about tax and policy changes affecting retirement money.

This retirement briefing is designed to be both informative and entertaining, using stories of famous and not-so-famous people to illustrate the possible retirement and estate planning mistakes that have cost retirees thousands of dollars.

It further outlines practical next steps people can take to protect their retirement money and future, including: how to increase a retirement “paycheck” and create an income that can’t be outlived; accessing tax deductions that the government encourages to be used; simple steps to reduce taxes on IRA and other retirement money; how to legally bypass capital gains taxes on stocks, bonds and real estate assets; and the one thing everyone must do before taking social security benefits.

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