Presenting with Power Series by Aileen Pincus on The Price of Business Digital Network

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Aileen Pincus launched The Pincus Group after more than two decades of communications experience, including as a local and national television reporter, a senior communications director a U.S. Senator, and as an executive trainer at a global public relations firm. She now leads training and strategy for the firm’s clients around the country, training senior executives for Fortune 500 companies, as well as for political and non-profit groups.

As President and founding partner of The Pincus Group, Aileen is a sought after speaker on effective communication for national organizations and forums having written a book for Penguin Press. She is a graduate of California State University at Northridge, School of Journalism and listed in Who’s Who as one of the nation’s most influential people.

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The Aileen Pincus Commentaries

Executive Presence: The Secret Sauce That Powers It

Presenting Bad News the Right Way: Communicating Through Upheaval

Keeping the Connection: Presenting to Non-Native Speakers

Getting the SO WHAT: The Power of Messaging

Ditch the Script: Bring On the Authenticity

Briefing UP: Delivering Pitch Perfect Briefings to Senior Leaders

Heading Back to the Office: How To Regain Your Presentation Mojo

Communications: Getting the Public and Private Communication Right

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