CBD Price Comparison

Business, Lifestyle
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As the popularity of CBD products continues to grow, this leads to new companies cropping up and new products hitting the market. Many CBD oil manufacturers USA price their products to ensure they make a profit, but they also try to keep them reasonable.

Many factors influence CBD oil prices. When it comes to finding the right CBD products, you want to make sure you are getting a high-quality product, but that doesn’t necessarily mean paying a premium price. Let’s look at what impacts CBD oil cost.

How to Compare the Pricing of CBD Products?

The price of CBD will vary from brand to brand. The average cost of CBD capsules from Hemp Bombs can range from $1.2 up to $2.9 per count. 

The cost of a CBD pill bottle varies so drastically because of the legal complexities that surround this product. In addition, how the product is manufactured and produced also has an impact on the price. Thus, it’s possible that one 60-count jar of CBD capsules from one company will cost $24.99, while another 30-count bottle will cost more than $60. So how do you know which one is the right option?

Tips How to Choose the Best CBD Price

When it comes to shopping for CBD oils or pills, you have to look at more than the price. Some of the other things that you need to consider include the following.


  • Where was the hemp grown? 


You want CBD products that come from trustworthy, reputable manufacturers that have growing standards. This ensures that you are getting a pure product that doesn’t contain potentially harmful additives.


  • How was it grown? 


The hemp that is used to produce the CBD products should be grown organically, which means the manufacturer should not use pesticides or other chemicals during the growing process. Again, this ensures that you are getting a pure product that doesn’t contain potentially harmful substances.


  • Was it tested by a third-party lab? 


Because the CBD oil industry is so new, there aren’t many regulations on what products should or shouldn’t contain. However, reputable companies will only put out pure, all-natural CBD products—and they’ll have them tested in an independent lab to prove it. These results should be readily available for you to check out.


  • How was CBD extracted? 


Currently, there are two accepted forms of CBD extraction: CO2 and ethanol. These have been found to be the most effective and produce the best CBD products.

CBD Price per Count/Milligram

When it comes to choosing the best CBD price, it’s beneficial to use the method by comparison CBD prices per count or milligram. This will help you determine if you are getting high-quality CBD. The formula to determine this is simple. All you have to do is divide the price by total mg of CBD per bottle.

Say you are looking at a $29.00 bottle of CBD gummies that contains 750 mg of CBD. 

The formula would look like this:
$29.00 / 750 mg = $0.04 per mg or
$29.00 / 25 count = $1.16 per count.

This would mean that you are paying approximately 4 cents per mg of CBD, which would make this a higher quality CBD product. Thus, you may be getting your money’s worth with this particular product.

Finding the Right Price

CBD oil can be expensive, but there are a lot of factors that go into the price. Instead of looking at the overall price of the product, you need to determine how much you are paying per milligram. That will let you know if you are getting a good quality product that is worth the cost.

Alex Malkin is CBD-enthusiast, researcher, and co-founder of CBD.market, a trading platform for CBD products and educating. 

Alex is the author of the book “CBD: A Door to Better Health” and certified Nutrition and Wellness specialist. 

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