Former Fox Producer Sues Network Over Dominion Case and Sexism

Business, Media
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Abby Grossberg, a former producer at Fox Business Network, has filed two lawsuits alleging that she was unfairly blamed for a controversial segment about Dominion Voting Systems and that her male colleagues were not held to the same standards. The segment, which aired on Maria Bartiromo’s show, suggested that Dominion had rigged the 2020 presidential election in favor of Joe Biden.

In her lawsuits, Grossberg claims that she was set up by her male colleagues, who deliberately misled her about the accuracy of the segment’s claims. She also alleges that she was subjected to sexist and discriminatory treatment at Fox, which ultimately led to her being fired.

The Dominion conspiracy theory has been widely debunked, and the company has launched a series of defamation lawsuits against those who promoted it, including Fox News and its hosts. Grossberg’s lawsuits suggest that the effort to blame her and Bartiromo for the segment was part of a larger pattern of discrimination against women at Fox.

Grossberg’s first lawsuit, filed in New York State Supreme Court, accuses Fox of breach of contract and defamation. She claims that she was unfairly scapegoated for the Dominion segment and that her male colleagues were not held accountable. Grossberg alleges that her bosses at Fox knew that the Dominion claims were false but allowed the segment to air anyway in order to boost ratings.

Grossberg’s second lawsuit, filed in federal court, accuses Fox of discrimination and retaliation. She claims that she was subjected to a hostile work environment and that she was fired in retaliation for complaining about it. Grossberg alleges that she was paid less than her male colleagues and that she was routinely subjected to sexist comments and behavior.

Fox has denied Grossberg’s allegations and has vowed to fight the lawsuits. In a statement, the network said that Grossberg was fired for “abusing her position” and that her claims of discrimination were without merit. Fox has also filed a motion to dismiss Grossberg’s lawsuits, arguing that they lack legal merit and that Grossberg is attempting to use them to gain publicity.

The Dominion conspiracy theory has been a controversial topic in conservative media circles, with many commentators continuing to promote it despite its lack of evidence. The theory has been widely debunked by election officials, including former Attorney General William Barr, who said that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Grossberg’s lawsuits suggest that the Dominion controversy was not just a matter of journalistic integrity but also a reflection of larger problems at Fox. The network has been accused of fostering a hostile work environment for women, with several high-profile female employees alleging that they were subjected to sexual harassment and discrimination.

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