Prime Minister Liz Truss Apologizes

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Prime Minister Liz Truss has apologized for the recent mistakes made by the government. She says she has made changes and is committed to her vision for the country’s economic growth. She says she will stick with the Conservatives until the next general election. But polls indicate that the public is far from impressed with Truss. She is the least popular prime minister in history, with only 7 percent of the public considering her government competent.

Despite her dire polling, Truss is still holding her job in spite calls from many members of Parliament for her resignation. She has said that she will continue to fight to defend the Conservative Party’s interests, adding that she is determined to lead her party into the next general election. However, she is facing a mounting rebellion within the Conservative Party. Many members want the prime minister out of office, while others fear for their jobs in the next election.

In the past week, Truss has fired Kwasi Kwarteng as the finance minister, and reversed her tax plan. This move rattled the financial markets and unsettled investors. She has also promised to raise the corporate tax rate – which she promised last month would not happen – because this will help pay for other tax cuts. Many believe investors will be more relaxed if the tax rate is higher.

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