There Is No Longer a Place for Moderates in the Democratic Party

Other News, Politics
Reading Time: 3 minutes


Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed filmmaker Warren D. Robinson (image below).

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin announced that he would not seek reelection next year (all but ensuring democrats will lose that seat to republicans) and while most of the speculation has been on if Manchin will seek a third party run for the White House for entertainment executive, producer and attorney Warren D. Robinson, is signals something far worse. “This is the end of moderates holding a significant place in the Democratic Party and that is both sad and troubling.” Robinson believes that the party leaning further left will only cause more division, lead to less actually getting done and could result in even more further right candidates being elected. “You need moderates and progressives for the party to truly be representative. We need people who are willing to cross and work across the aisle in order for things to get done. These use to be traits the party rewarded but not anymore.” Robinson cites the reaction (or lack thereof) to Manchin retiring and also the party’s treatment of Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema as proof they no longer value moderates. “Does anybody really believe that if Joe Manchin had been treated better by party leaders he would be retiring now? They allow clowns like Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman to attack him and they never push back. Since he’s announced his retirement you’ve barely heard a peep from democrats despite years of service and him single handedly holding the Senate in their favor (No other democrat could have won in West Virginia). They did the same thing to Sinema, who had to declare herself an independent because of the vitriol she faced from within the party.” Robinson makes one more bold prediction, “mark my words in a few years’ democrats will be thankful Manchin and Sinema preserved the Senate filibuster and will be searching for candidates who can work the middle when their progressive left candidates start losing.”


According to a statement, “Entertainment executive and producer, Warren D. Robinson believes that when organizations are willing to have open and honest conversations about race and their own bias they can commit to meaningful change. We have seen this recently in the form of Hollywood award shows, particularly, the Grammys and the Academy Awards (Oscars). The Recording Academy and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have both taken concrete steps to diversify their ranks and address inherit biases in their voting processes. As a result we have the most diverse crop of award winners/nominees, respectively, we’ve ever seen. Contrast that with the scandal and production shutdown currently at CBS’s The Talk, which resulted because a co-host was unable to properly engage in a conversation about race, address her own bias and commit to doing better. ‘The key part to every conversation’ Warren says, ‘starts with listening. Listening and hearing are different and if you are unable to listen then you are unable to have a conversation.’


“Warren D. Robinson, is an avid and accomplished entertainment executive, motivational speaker, host, life coach and award winning producer who created the wildly popular series, Buried by the Bernards, which is currently streaming on Netflix.


“Warren has served as an entertainment consultant, manager and producer, facilitating, appearing and negotiating high powered deals on behalf of his clients in front of such companies as: Warner Brothers, BET, CNN, Freemantle, Best Buy, TV ONE, Netflix, Lifetime, Fox News, WE TV, E!, NBC Universal, Viacom and more. In addition, Warren’s entertainment prowess includes coordinating, partnering and/or producing events for: legendary actress Pam Grier, Taraji P Henson, Gabrielle Union, Vivica A Fox, Soul singer Eddie Levert (of the O’Jays), Comedian Mike Epps, Angie Stone, Flavor Flav, the Indianapolis Colts, Donna Joyner-Richardson, Stephanie Mills, Erykah Badu and Tom Joyner among others. Warren graduated from Indiana University (B.A.-Political Science) and Howard University School Of Law (J.D.).”

Learn more about Warren D. Robinson and his work here.


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